Our people are our greatest asset. Read their Capital Radiology stories below.
“I studied Medicine at Monash in the 1980s followed by 3 years in a surgical residence stream at the Alfred. I then decided to move into the field of radiology.
It was a combination of things that made me choose radiology. I enjoyed the fact that as a radiologist, I would be involved in all parts of medicine. And all the image-based procedures appealed to me. It was also a lifestyle decision. Radiology provides an immediate referral base, with working hours that are more controllable.
I‘ve been working at Capital Radiology since 2009. I was recently Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for two years, finishing in 2022. I enjoyed the role, particularly building the camaraderie between the 100 plus radiologists working for the company and also being the conduit between our head office and radiologists.
Being CMO is a credible position, but to have longevity in one field of medicine, that’s the most rewarding part. I love that I have developed a strong referral base and people know who I am and the work that I do. They value it. Credibility and reputation develop over many years, not overnight.
In our industry, there is a constant moving demand for new technology to improve how things are being diagnosed and treated. You have to keep up with the changes and be ok with changing the way you do things.
I love being a radiologist, but for me, what gets me out of bed and happy to go to work, is working with a great team. And I have that here. There are new challenges every day but working with good people, peers and referrers is of the upmost importance to me.”
“I started working at Capital Radiology 23 years ago after completing a Bachelor of Applied Science in Medical Radiations. I’ve worn many hats over this time from Chief Radiographer to Sonographer - after completing Ultrasound training, to Manager - after completing my MBA.
I’ve always loved interacting with patients, so after working in management for close to 10 years, I went back to working as a sonographer.
I enjoy my job so much that I recently added the role of Tutor Sonographer to my resume and have been heavily involved in developing the Capital Radiology Ultrasound Training Program. I have always loved teaching and hope that as Tutor, I can instill some passion back into the Ultrasound Industry through our next generation of Sonographers.
My belief is that we should always treat each and every individual patient like they were a family member.”
"I studied a Bachelor of Science in Radiography in Belfast followed by a Post Grad in Image Interpretation. I’ve been working at Capital Radiology for the past 14 years and had a couple of roles. I started as a Senior Radiographer and was then promoted to Chief Radiographer. I’ve just recently moved to a newly opened clinic, as Chief Radiographer leading a new team which is a busy but a really rewarding role.
My main focus is to provide patients with the highest quality of care and a great experience. I want them to be feel happy and reassured when they leave, and to recommend our services to others based on the level of care and attention they received.
I’m super passionate about team work. I strive to bring together a team of people who work together, with no segregation between the groups. To help facilitate this, I hold a staff meeting once a month and encourage reception team members to talk to clinical staff – they need to be comfortable to share and ask questions.
I’ve had many great mentors, but the two that had a big impact were our previous Chief Medical Officer. He was (is) such a good person and role modelled the teamwork ethos for me. He is an amazing doctor, but also makes sure no one in our team is considered more important than someone else. My Regional Manager is also great. He is available to mentor leadership skills and how to manage people effectively. He’s always available to share his knowledge.
I’ve recently learnt that I love participating in education meetings, where I can share my imaging knowledge and educate referring doctors. It’s great that Capital Radiology are committed to educating our referrers and I’m excited about doing more presentations – never did I think I would ever say that!!
Our industry is never static – the technology is always evolving. Radiology will never be an industry that when you graduate you do the same thing for 40 years. It’s exciting and provides opportunities.
My funniest work memory is when I asked a patient who was having a chest X-Ray to hold her breath, and she held her breasts! She saw the humour in it too."
"I have been a radiographer for over 10 years. I always strive to provide the highest level of care to my patients, whilst making them feel comfortable and safe. I have an interest in cardiac imaging and am proud to work alongside our specialist cardiologists and technologists to provide a high quality service to our patients. I am passionate about learning, sharing my learnings and experience – I think it’s important to encourage our clinical leaders to educate and share their expertise with our eager employees. I am involved with running and presenting at educational events for GPs and allied health practitioners."
"I am a radiologist who specialises in MSK imaging and the clinical director at Imaging at Olympic Park, Melbourne. I have always had a passion for sports medicine and interest in diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries. To provide the best care to patients, I need to have access to world class technology and highly skilled clinicians - at Imaging at Olympic Park we are lucky enough to have both. It’s important we as a company continue to invest in our technology and in our people."
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